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Some Options to Think About

The following analysis is from Paul Foster:

United Parcel Service-UPS volatility at 49. shares Rally off record lows
United Parcel Service is recently up $2.50 to $40.80. Crude oil futures are recently down .62% to $46.78 according to Bloomberg. UPS call option volume of 9,610 contracts compares to put volume of 3,713 contracts. April option implied volatility is at 49; July is at 47; above its 26-week average of 44, according to Track Data, suggesting larger price movement.

DryShips-DRYS call volume and volatility Elevated
DryShips is recently up 49c to $4.57. DRYS call option volume of 22,762 contracts compares to put volume of 6,311 contracts. DRYS April option implied volatility of 183 is above its 26-week average of 142, according to Track Data, suggesting larger price movement.


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